link to Marshall Municipal Utilities Board of Public Works board meeting

You can watch the next board meeting on March 27th, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. live by clicking on the picture above. Once available, the agenda can be found here.

SINCE 1914

Board of Public Works

Established by ordinance on January 1, 1914, to operate the Municipal Utilities, the Marshall Board of Public Works now has responsibility for the electric, internet, water and wastewater utilities of the city.

 Currently, the Board of Public Works consists of Chuck Hines, President; Ken Bryant, Vice President; Steve Mills, Secretary, and Wick Jacobi, Member.

Regular Board meetings are normally held at 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays before the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month, at the MMU Service Center conference room located at 1459 W. Arrow Street, Marshall, Missouri. Click here to see a schedule for 2025. Dates are subject to change, so check at the office to be sure.

Recent Board Minutes