Net Metering Service
Net metering is available in the distribution service territory of MMU at any point on the Utility’s existing facilities that have adequate capacity and suitable voltage for delivery of service. A completed and approved application/agreement for net metering is required. The form is available at MMU’s business office.
Net metering service is available to any customer that owns and operates a solar, wind, or biomass generating facility or hydrogen fuel cell with a capacity of not more than one hundred (100) kilowatts that is located on the customer’s premises, is interconnected and operates in parallel, with MMU’s existing transmission and distribution facilities, and is intended primarily to offset part or all of the customer’s own electrical power requirements. This rider is offered in compliance with Consumer Clean Energy Act (386.887, RSMo Supp. 2002) and Missouri Public Service Commission Rule 4 CSR 240-20.065.
Net metering means measuring the difference between the electricity supplied by MMU and the electricity generated by an eligible customer-generated and fed back to the electric grid over the applicable billing period.
- The electric service charge shall be computed in accordance with the monthly billing under the customer’s effective standard rate schedule. Under this net metering rider, only the kilowatthour (kWh) units of a customer-generator’s bill are affected.
- The customer-generator is responsible for all costs associated with its generating facility and is also responsible for all costs related to any modifications to the facility that may be required by MMU for purposes of safety and reliability.
- If the electricity generated by the customer-generator exceeds the electricity supplied MMU, the customer-generator shall be credited for the net value of the electric energy delivered to MMU during the applicable billing period at MMU’s avoided cost, with this credit appearing on the customer-generator’s bill no later than the following billing period.
- The customer-generator must have a signed Standard Interconnection Application/Agreement with MMU.
- The customer-generator is responsible for all costs associated with its generating facility and is also responsible for all costs related to any modifications to the facility that may be required by MMU for purposes of safety and reliability.
- A net metering facility shall meet all applicable safety and performance standards established by the National Electric Safety Code, the National Electric Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and Underwriters Laboratory.
Electric Service under this schedule is subject to all rules and regulations approved by the Board of Public Works of Marshall, Missouri.