Power Outages
At MMU, we are proud of our reliability rate and work hard every day to keep your lights on.
Pole inspections, animal guards, tree trimming and overhead to underground line relocations in rear easements are just a few of the projects performed annually that have a direct impact on your service reliability. While we work hard to make sure the lights stay on, extreme weather events, automobile accidents and wildlife continue to make this a challenge.
When you do experience an outage, know that we are prepared to quickly and safely restore service with staff on-call 24/7. Here are a few steps you can take to make any interruption to your service safe for all involved:
- Check your breaker/fuse box for a tripped breaker or blown fuse.
- Call (660) 886-6966 to report the outage.
- Provide any details that may be helpful. This could be a loud noise, bright flash, broken tree limb, automobile accident, etc. Accurate details can help our crews determine the cause and restore service quicker.
- NEVER approach any downed line or conductor or any items it may be contacting.
Outage Map
The map below shows all currently reported outages in the Marshall area