TP-Link Archer AC1900

TP-Link Archer AX1500

NETGEAR – MK6W-100NAS AX1500 Mesh System
Fiber customers will need to purchase their own routers
Required Equipment
Here are our recommendations
These are three routers we are currently recommending for Tiers I, II, and III. All three will work for any Tier. The first two are from a company called TP-Link, which is usually a little less expensive than some of the more premium brands, but these two models in particular seem to have the best price lately for how powerful they are. Netgear is also a very good product that isn’t quite as expensive as some of the more premium brands.
Other cheaper brands would also work, but we have seen fewer problems with NETGEAR and TP-Link routers. Also, other cheaper models that could work for tier 1, but would not be as powerful as these. In general, you will want a model starting with either AC or AX. Higher model numbers are better, but as a minimum, we would recommend not to go below AC1750 or AX1500.
Other more expensive routers would also work and be a good idea for anyone heavily into gaming especially. Generally we would still recommend NETGEAR, but other brands would also work.
The biggest factor in what router to get is the distance you want to use the internet from your router. The signal will degrade over distance. The larger your house, the better model of router you will need. The third model pictured is what is known as a Mesh System. It will come with a base unit and one or more satellite units which are just as powerful. You would spread these units around your house for more complete coverage.
These routers can be bought anywhere that sells electronics such as Walmart, Staples, and Best Buy, or anyplace online such as walmart.com or Amazon. We actually recommend looking online before buying, because often the prices are better. Often, walmart.com will have a special online price that you can pay and then go pick up the router at the actual store.