Level Billing Guidelines
For our customers who like to budget, Marshall Municipal Utilities is pleased to offer Level Billing. Under this program, the previous year’s usage becomes the base from which we calculate your Level Billing amount. Your account will be monitored and you will be notified if the Level Billing amount needs to be adjusted.
Your monthly bill will continue to show the actual usage and dollar charge every month, along with the amount due. Your bill will also show your total account credit, providing a means for you to monitor your account. The Level Billing program allows you to build a credit balance during low utility bill months. This credit balance is then drawn upon during high months. In order to remain on Level Billing, you must pay the entire Level Billing amount. If all required payments have been made, you will be allowed to carry a balance due of no more than 120% of your level payment amount.
Remember – lower utility bills can only be achieved by conserving usage. Level Billing provides a means to better budget your utility expenses by knowing in advance how much you will be expected to pay.
- Payment must be received before the delinquent date on your utility bill. If the account is past due, the entire balance will be due to avoid penalties and disconnection.
- Any insufficient funds check will negate Level Billing. If this occurs, the entire balance will be due in full along with all standard penalties.
- Enrollment in Level Billing is not open to anyone appearing on the disconnection list in the last 12 month period or who has a No Check as Payment status on their account.
Once enrolled in Level Billing, you will still have the same payment options: check or money order through the mail, drop box, or in person; monthly ACH withdrawals; or cash payments made in person.
Upon closing your account, you will be billed for the total account balance due. Any credit balance will be refunded.
If you move to another address, this application can be transferred to your new account. Some adjustments may be necessary to clear the balance at the previous address. If your usage changes significantly, you will be notified of the new Level Billing amount.
Either party may terminate this application at any time.
All Marshall Municipal Utilities customers are subject to the Terms and Conditions of our Service Rules and Regulations.
Level Billing is a payment arrangement. Marshall Municipal Utilities cannot accept any other payment arrangements on your account if you are a Level Billing customer.