Since 2002
History of MMU
Internet Department
The Internet Department is one of our newest endeavors at MMU. Establishment of the Internet Department was done at the January 2nd, 2002 meeting of the Board of Public Works. Prior to this, MMU was already using wireless communications to connect some of our own facilities. With much of the infrastructure already in place for our own use, it was a natural step to start offering wireless and fiber high speed internet service to our customers.
In the beginning, customers wanting to connect to our internet service needed to have a direct line-of-sight to our Power Plant building. Also, for a higher initial cost, fiber optic cable could be installed to the customer’s location. Shortly, antennas were added to the Water Tower so a much larger portion of the town could be reached by our wireless network.
When we first started running fiber to all the homes of Marshall we began by doing a survey of customer interest. From these surveys, a test area was developed. Once the test area was operational, we started working on the remainder of the City of Marshall.
Below you will find a history of our plans and rate changes over the years. If you look through them, you will discover one constant them: the speeds were continually getting faster while the price remained the same or even went down!